Should your law firm pass the baton of credit card processing fees to your clients, or bear the burden itself? This question gets at the heart of surcharging decisions faced by law firms that are considering whether to offer digital payments. While allowing clients to pay by credit card can help improve payment rates, the accompanying service charges can take … Read More
Set Your Firm Up for Success in 2024: Strategies to Have Your Best Year Yet
As we prepare to bid farewell to 2023, it’s time for law firms to take stock of their yearly performance to see where they stand as an organization. If things have been going well for your firm, it might be tempting to stick to the game plan that’s gotten you this far, but if you want to take things to … Read More
Make Year-End Closing a Breeze with These Q4 Accounting Tips
Depending on your firm’s accounting practices, the end of the year can either be a struggle or a breeze. If you don’t plan ahead, you can count on it being the former. The key to a hassle-free year-end close for law firms lies in careful planning and proactive accounting practices. By laying the groundwork well in advance, your firm can … Read More
Transform Your Legal Practice with Cloud Accounting (Without Sacrificing Compliance)
In many ways, the legal field is no different from any other industry. Lawyers need to track their income, manage expenses, and plan for the future using accounting reports. However, this is only part of the story. When it comes to law firm accounting, lawyers have much greater responsibilities than other professionals, as they are required to maintain compliance with … Read More