PCI Compliance and Secure Payments: Why It Matters for Your Law Firm

PCI Compliance and Secure Payments Why It Matters for Your Law Firm

With the rise in data breaches and other cybersecurity incidents over the past decade, clients expect that you safeguard their sensitive information as carefully as you safeguard their best interests.   The imperative is real: according to a recent report by Vercera, 66% of consumers would not trust a company that falls victim to a data breach involving their information.   That … Read More

Right-Sizing Your Firm’s Need for CRM Software

Right-Sizing Your Firm's Need for CRM Software

Legal CRM (client relationship management) software is a valuable tool for growing your practice. Law firms of all sizes—especially small and medium-sized firms—can use these tools to move clients through the intake process more quickly, improve client communication (and, by extension, client satisfaction), and better invest their marketing spend.   But there are an abundance of CRM options, with an almost … Read More

6 Takeaways from 2023: A Reflection on the Year’s Challenges and Successes

6 Takeaways from 2023 A Reflection on the Year’s Challenges and Successes

2023 stands out as a year of significant transformation for the legal field. Law firms, both large and small, found themselves navigating new and nuanced challenges, from the intricacies of remote work to pressing cybersecurity concerns.   And then there’s the elephant in the room: generative AI.  Yet, with challenges come opportunities.   As we reflect on the past year, it’s evident … Read More

Top 5 Year-End Accounting To-Dos for Legal Teams

Top 5 Year-End Accounting To-Dos for Legal Teams

As the year winds down, everyone is looking forward to holiday festivities and a well-deserved break from the whirlwind of cases, clients, and courtrooms.   But there’s a looming task you have to take care of before that end-of-year break: year-end accounting.  Wrapping up the year is an excellent opportunity to analyze the year’s progress, ensure compliance, and set the stage … Read More

Four Signs Your Data Isn’t Ready to Migrate (And How to Get it Ready)

Four Signs Your Data Isn't Ready to Migrate (And How to Get it Ready)

Isn’t it nice to make a fresh start? The opportunity is fast approaching as we move into the fourth quarter of 2023 and contemplate how to wrap up the year and make some changes for the next one.   What’s on the list for some law firms? Adopting a new accounting software to kickstart 2024. The new year is an optimal … Read More

5 Purchases Law Firms Can Make to Maximize Their Tax Benefits

5 Purchases Law Firms Can Make to Maximize Their Tax Benefits

As we approach the end of the year, many legal professionals will be thinking about making some tax-deductible expenditures to give their firms a little extra shine and reduce their tax bill in the process.  While it’s a great idea to grab some new gear while improving your tax position, you don’t want to eat into your profits unnecessarily, so … Read More

The Rise of the Data-Driven Law Firm

In today’s fast-paced legal landscape, data is no longer just a buzzword; it’s a game-changer.   The rise of data-driven law firms is reshaping the industry, and for a good reason. Law firms harnessing the power of data are not only improving decision-making but also increasing profitability while delivering superior services to their clients.   Legal Talk Network Podcast recently sat down … Read More

Why Not All Payment Processors Are Created Equal

Why Not All Payment Processors Are Created Equal

In our increasingly tech-driven world, law firms have more options than ever for how to accept and process payments. And there are important differences between the various processors out there.   While many law firms use industry-agnostic payment processing options like Stripe, Square, or PayPal, there are drawbacks to using software that’s not tailored to the unique needs of the legal … Read More

Five Reasons Why a Financial Forecast is Critical to Your Law Firm’s Success

Five Reasons Why a Financial Forecast is Critical to Your Law Firm’s Success

In the dynamic world of legal practice, most principals, owners, and managing partners know that financial forecasting is an indispensable tool for law firms aiming to achieve stability and long-term success.   By leveraging historical data and market trends, financial forecasts empower law firms to make informed decisions, set realistic goals, and ensure efficient financial management.   Let’s explore the benefits of … Read More

How Legal-Specific Accounting Software Helps Lawyers

How Legal-Specific Accounting Software Helps Lawyers

As a law firm owner, you’re no stranger to the complexities of running a practice. You’ve got a million things on your plate, and accounting is just one of them. It’s easy to think your current business accounting software is doing the job just fine. But the truth is, legal practices have unique needs that standard tools often overlook.   We … Read More