PCI Compliance and Secure Payments: Why It Matters for Your Law Firm

PCI Compliance and Secure Payments Why It Matters for Your Law Firm

With the rise in data breaches and other cybersecurity incidents over the past decade, clients expect that you safeguard their sensitive information as carefully as you safeguard their best interests.   The imperative is real: according to a recent report by Vercera, 66% of consumers would not trust a company that falls victim to a data breach involving their information.   That … Read More

How to Determine Your Effective Payment Processing Rate

How to Determine Your Effective Payment Processing Rate

When it comes to choosing a credit card processor, it pays to read the fine print.  Still, reading your statement isn’t always the most reliable option to know what your credit card processor is really charging. Many processors advertise a certain rate when you sign up, and then charge more than you expect in the form of hidden fees. Fortunately, … Read More

Why Not All Payment Processors Are Created Equal

Why Not All Payment Processors Are Created Equal

In our increasingly tech-driven world, law firms have more options than ever for how to accept and process payments. And there are important differences between the various processors out there.   While many law firms use industry-agnostic payment processing options like Stripe, Square, or PayPal, there are drawbacks to using software that’s not tailored to the unique needs of the legal … Read More

Why Law Firms with Payment Options on Their Websites Have Higher Liquidity

Why Law Firms with Payment Options on Their Websites Have Higher Liquidity

We don’t want to ruffle any feathers, but we have to say it: there’s more to operating a successful law firm than practicing law. Sure, it’s a pretty big prerequisite, but at the end of the day, a law firm is also a business.   And as businesses, law firms do need to consider things like online reviews, payment processing, utility … Read More

Six Common Legal Accounting Mistakes to Avoid

Six Common Legal Accounting Mistakes to Avoid

Managing a successful law practice is no easy task, and the financial aspect is as complicated as it is important to your firm’s overall health.   In an industry where precision and accuracy are paramount, proper accounting is crucial to safeguarding your client’s interests and keeping your practice afloat.   By better understanding common legal accounting mistakes, you’ll be better equipped … Read More

Avoid These Common Billing and Collection Inefficiencies (and Increase Your Cash Flow)

Avoid These Common Billing and Collection Inefficiencies (and Increase Your Cash Flow)

Money makes the world go ‘round—and that includes law firms. And that’s why billing and collection processes are a critical aspect of running a law firm of any size. Yet many small law firms and solo practices struggle with billing and payments because they operate with fewer resources than their larger counterparts.   The result? Inefficient workflows and cash flow problems.   … Read More

Time Tracking in Law Firms: Analyzing and Adjusting for Profitability

Time Tracking in Law Firms: Analyzing and Adjusting for Profitability

To bill clients for the work you complete, you have to track your time.   It’s not just so you can send out correct invoices. (Although that is critical!) Without a record of what tasks were done on each case—and how long each task took—it would be impossible to accurately bill clients. Time tracking tools help your firm increase profitability. They … Read More

3 Payment Methods Law Firm Clients Are Looking For

3 Payment Methods Law Firm Clients Are Looking For

A positive client experience isn’t just about strong client relationships. It’s about making legal processes easier and more manageable for the people you serve, from client intake all the way through to closing out their legal matters.   One way law firms can improve the client experience is by offering flexible, inclusive payment methods.  When it comes to payment methods, many … Read More

Online Payment Dos and Don’ts for Law Firms

Online Payment Dos and Don'ts

Providing online payment options opens up a world of opportunity to law firms seeking to streamline and improve their legal billing processes. But accepting credit cards can also put lawyers at risk of compliance violations—particularly if you don’t use a payment processor that has key safeguards in place. Do accept credit cards Clients are used to paying for almost everything … Read More