New Law Firm

Starting a law firm is an exciting and challenging endeavor. From client acquisition techniques to case management workflows, there’s a lot to figure out.

Creating sound workflows for practice management, billing, and accounting is key to your future success but meeting your goals can be daunting if you lose hours with manual data entry, clunky data syncing, and repetitive processes.

Finding the right solution for your new law firm’s tech stack can be the difference between scaling and getting stuck.
Integrated Cloud System

Tech Stack Challenges for New Law Firms

Starting a new law firm can feel like navigating through a labyrinth, with critical decisions and tasks at every corner. From the initial stages of client acquisition to the intricate process of case management, the path is filled with challenges that require strategic planning, efficient execution, and the appropriate tools to support your firm.

Setting up efficient systems

One of the most formidable challenges in this journey is establishing efficient systems for practice management, billing, and accounting. These systems form the backbone of your law firm's operations, and their effectiveness can significantly impact your firm's success. Setting them up requires careful consideration of your firm's unique needs, a deep understanding of legal workflows, and a keen eye for detail.

The financial burden of multiple systems

The financial implications of managing separate systems to run your firm is another crucial aspect to consider. The costs of maintaining multiple systems can add up quickly, putting a strain on your firm's budget. This financial burden can be particularly heavy for new law firms operating on tight budgets, making it tempting to cut corners or revert to less efficient, manual methods.

The hidden costs of inefficiency and errors

The true cost of manual systems lies not in the upfront price but in their hidden inefficiencies. Lack of integration between different systems can lead to duplication of effort and potential errors. This disjointed setup can lead to mismanaged billing, overlooked tasks, and inaccurate accounting—mistakes that can have costly repercussions, further impacting your bottom line.

The struggle of scaling with manual systems

As your law firm grows, the challenge of managing multiple manual systems becomes even more daunting. The time and effort required to keep everything running smoothly can quickly become overwhelming. This can hinder your firm's growth, turning what should be a time of exciting expansion into one of stress and frustration. It's time to consider an efficient, integrated solution that can help you navigate the labyrinth of law firm management with ease and confidence.

CosmoLex: A Comprehensive Solution for Your Law Firm

CosmoLex is more than just a software program—it’s an integrated solution that allows you to start out on the right foot when navigating the complexities of launching and running a law firm.   

We understand the challenges faced by new firms, and we’ve designed our platform to help you face them confidently. With CosmoLex, your practice management, billing, and accounting systems are all in one place, as part of one streamlined system. No need to juggle multiple programs and logins.  

We know that every minute counts in the legal profession. That’s why CosmoLex offers 24/7 cloud-based, mobile-friendly access, allowing you to work from anywhere, anytime—no more being tied to your office desk. Instead, you have the power to manage your practice on the go, giving you the flexibility you need in today’s fast-paced legal landscape.  

Starting a new law firm involves a significant investment, and we’re here to ensure you get the most out of the tool you choose to rely on for day-to-day operations. CosmoLex offers a single subscription price for core tools that help you run an efficient practice.   

No hidden costs, no surprises. Just a simple, cost-effective solution designed with your needs in mind.

Integrated Accounting

Integrated practice management

CosmoLex combines matter management, accounting, time and billing, trust accounting, and document management into one system, allowing you to manage all aspects of your practice from a single platform. This integrated approach simplifies your operations and reduces unnecessary data entry (and potential for errors) while also allowing you more time for clients. 

Comprehensive billing and accounting

With CosmoLex, you can handle all your billing and accounting needs in one place. This includes time and expense tracking, invoice generation, payment processing, and financial reporting. By streamlining these critical operations, CosmoLex helps you maintain accurate records, ensure timely billing, improve your cash flow, and keep your finances in check.

Built-in compliance features

CosmoLex has built-in, legal-specific compliance features that help ensure you're always meeting regulatory requirements. This includes trust (IOLTA) accounting rules and other legal-specific accounting standards. With CosmoLex, you can manage your practice with the peace of mind that comes with knowing you’re always in compliance

24/7 mobile access

CosmoLex offers 24/7 mobile access, allowing you to work from anywhere, anytime. This flexibility enables you to stay productive and responsive, even when you’re away from the office. Whether you’re in court, meeting with clients, or working remotely, with CosmoLex, you’re always connected.

Secure client portal

CosmoLex includes a secure client portal that allows you to share documents and communicate with clients in a secure, encrypted environment. This not only enhances client service but also helps protect sensitive information. CosmoLex allows you to collaborate with clients confidently, knowing that their information is secure.

Simplify your software stack and boost profitability

When you’re starting a new firm, every penny counts. CosmoLex helps you streamline your tech stack and trim your subscription costs. Our total solution offers a complete suite of tools in one platform, negating the need for multiple costly subscriptions so you can focus your resources on what truly matters—building your practice and serving your clients.  

With CosmoLex, lawyers starting a new firm can expect a significant boost in efficiency. By managing practice management, billing, and accounting into one platform, you’ll spend less time on administrative tasks and more time serving your clients.  

CosmoLex also ensures compliance is a breeze, not a burden. Its built-in, legal-specific features keep you protected, providing peace of mind as you navigate the complexities of practicing law.   

You can also uncover cost savings. CosmoLex’s complete solution eliminates the need for multiple subscriptions, keeping your expenses manageable as you grow your new firm. With CosmoLex, you’re not just buying software—you're investing in a smoother, more efficient future for your law firm.  

Ready to make the switch? Try CosmoLex free for ten days and experience the difference an integrated solution can make for your law firm. 


Set Your New Firm Up for Success with a Total Solution

Starting a new firm is no easy feat. It’s a process filled with hurdles that can make understanding your practice management, billing, and accounting a confusing task.

Here are the top four reasons lawyers are choosing to start their firms with CosmoLex.
Set Your New Firm
Optimized Productivity

Optimized Productivity

High productivity means more billable hours and more revenue for your firm. Get 24/7, on-the-go mobile access to everything you need to run your practice, without any hardware or software IT maintenance required.

Simplified Processes

Starting your practice with a single system gives you the advantage of creating efficient processes and workflows right from the start. With our integrated approach, you get complete control over your practice management, billing, and accounting without having to juggle multiple systems.
Simplified Processes
Worry-free Compliance

Worry-free Compliance

Built-in, legal-specific compliance features means you can get your firm up and running without the risk of making compliance-related mistakes. Robust reporting capabilities and automatic compliance checkpoints eliminate the worry of not failing to meet requirements.

Lower Cost

When you’re starting a new firm, every penny counts. With 24/7 access, built-in credit card processing with CosmoLexPay, and only one subscription price to deal with, you can instantly boost your firm’s productivity and keep costs down.
Lower Cost

What Our Clients Are Saying

Top Reasons Why You Can Trust CosmoLex

No Long-term Contracts

Change happens—we get it. That’s why we don’t lock you into a long-term contract where you’re billed annually, so you can cancel your accounting software subscription at any time, for any reason, hassle-free. We don’t force our customers to sign a binding contract—instead, most law firms simply choose to use the best legal accounting software based on our innovative practice management features.

Simple, All-inclusive Pricing

Every client gets all of our state-of-the-art software features. As new features are added to our law firm software, you automatically gain access to them—with no additional fees per user.

Used By Thousands Of Firms

CosmoLex meets the practice management needs of law firms of all sizes and practice areas. No matter the size or shape of your law firm, CosmoLex can help you manage cash flow, simplify matter management, and make better business decisions.