Attorneys face a difficult decision when charting their careers: struggle as a solo attorney or lose identity by joining a major law firm? Today that decision is not as hard as it once was. A new generation of law office management software has leveled the playing field, making small firms as good as or even better than Biglaw.
The Challenge Of The Small Firm
Historically solo or small law firms had difficulty competing with Biglaw. These huge law firms had armies of paralegals, secretaries, accountants and bookkeepers handling all the administrative details of the day, leaving their attorneys the luxury of doing nothing but practicing law. Solo attorneys, on the other hand, spent most of the day doing paperwork, struggling with their books and doing very little lawyering. A solo lawyer could handle fewer cases than an attorney working for a big law firm, which made it hard to generate revenue and stay in business.
Technology To The Rescue
Computers and the internet have fundamentally changed the way law is practiced in this country. In some ways that’s bad, as naïve consumers think cheap legal apps take the place of advice from a qualified attorney. However in most ways it’s good, as it gives solo attorneys access to the kinds of resources only Biglaw used to have. Internet research tools, document management and sharing applications, and of course legal time and billing software like CosmoLex simplify the administration of a law firm and give any attorney the chance to practice law like the big boys.
The Flexibility Of Solo Might Be The Deciding Factor
One of the most surprising aspects of this technological revolution is that solo attorneys might actually have the advantage over Biglaw. They now have access to nearly the same resources as the megafirms, but are not bogged down by the bureaucracy and politics you find in a large company. They are agile and responsive in ways large firms can’t match. Cloud-based practice management software enhances that flexibility, allowing attorneys to handle case administration and billing from anywhere. There will always be a place for the mega firms in areas like corporate law, but some analysts think that consumer areas such as family law, bankruptcy and personal injury will eventually belong exclusively to the small firm.
It is time to join the technological revolution with CosmoLex, the legal billing system designed specifically for the needs of solo and small law firms. Free yourself from the burdens of office administration — try CosmoLex today.