Designing Your Law Firm’s Digital Front Door: The Power of a Professional Website

Designing Your Law Firm’s Digital Front Door The Power of a Professional Website

Think of your law firm’s website like a digital front door. It needs to get the attention of potential clients, make a positive first impression, and provide useful information that sets you apart from your competitors.    But if you’re a small firm or solo practitioner, getting a new, professional website off the ground may be an overwhelming project. What’s more, … Read More

From Checks to Electronic Payments: Navigating the Shift in 2024

From Checks to Electronic Payments Navigating the Shift in 2024

Someone once said, “The secret of change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old but on building the new.”  While this is undoubtedly good advice for life, it’s also a nugget of wisdom that legal professionals can benefit from when evaluating their payment practices in 2024.  If your firm has been relying on old-school payment … Read More

The Strategic Investment of Legal CRM Software

The Strategic Investment of Legal CRM Software

A smart investor looks for opportunities that will yield returns for years to come. While many software products promise a “get rich quick” type of instant success, the best software tools for law firms are built to provide continuous value over time.   Legal CRM (client relationship management) software is that kind of investment. Rather than a trendy feature that will … Read More

PCI Compliance and Secure Payments: Why It Matters for Your Law Firm

PCI Compliance and Secure Payments Why It Matters for Your Law Firm

With the rise in data breaches and other cybersecurity incidents over the past decade, clients expect that you safeguard their sensitive information as carefully as you safeguard their best interests.   The imperative is real: according to a recent report by Vercera, 66% of consumers would not trust a company that falls victim to a data breach involving their information.   That … Read More

How to Maximize ROI From Your Law Firm’s Website

How to Maximize ROI From Your Law Firm's Website

There are certain things that you just expect from a business. For instance, at a restaurant, you expect a menu that is clear and easy to read. You expect the ambiance to match the food. You also probably check online reviews before you go.  But what if the restaurant looks run down, and the menu doesn’t make sense? What if … Read More

Getting Paid for Every Single Invoice You Send is Possible

Getting Paid for Every Single Invoice You Send is Possible

If you’re running a legal practice, managing your cash flow effectively is a necessity for survival and growth.  One of the more frustrating aspects of cash flow is dealing with late invoices. For law firms, managing partners, and firm administrators, chasing down clients to pay late invoices can be all too familiar. It’s time-consuming and diverts your attention from billable … Read More

Right-Sizing Your Firm’s Need for CRM Software

Right-Sizing Your Firm's Need for CRM Software

Legal CRM (client relationship management) software is a valuable tool for growing your practice. Law firms of all sizes—especially small and medium-sized firms—can use these tools to move clients through the intake process more quickly, improve client communication (and, by extension, client satisfaction), and better invest their marketing spend.   But there are an abundance of CRM options, with an almost … Read More

How Easy Is It for Clients to Pay You? Simplifying Law Firm Billing Processes

How Easy Is It for Clients to Pay You Simplifying Law Firm Billing Processes

Running a law firm is a complex undertaking that requires a lot more than filing briefs or showing up in court.  From managing cases to meeting with clients and keeping up with all your firm’s administrative processes, tasks and processes can slip through the cracks.  While it may not seem like the most pressing thing on your plate, don’t underestimate … Read More

Streamlining Legal Practice: The Power of Simplifying Workflows in 2024

Streamlining Legal Practice The Power of Simplifying Workflows in 2024

In general, simplicity is an underappreciated virtue. But think about it: the simpler your system, the fewer ways it can go wrong, either because of technical glitches or human error.   In addition, when things do go wrong, the source of the problem is easier to locate when your systems are optimally streamlined.   These procedural truths apply to your law firm’s … Read More